II. Open the brackets using the verb in appropriate tense and voice.
1. At big supermarkets various goods (to sell) usually under one roof.
2. Look! Ann (to buy) biscuits at the bakery.
3. Everything (to pack) in the greengrocery when I (to visit) it yesterday.
4. – You (to pay) already money to the cashier? – Yes. The receipt and the change
(to give) just to me.
5. Many people (to prefer) shopping at the supermarkets where different goods (to
sell) under one roof.
6. When the customer (to do) shopping in the self-service shop yesterday, the
goods (to select) and (to put) into a trolley.
7. A man (to look) for a new pair of shoes, at the moment brown shoes (to try) on.
8. At the market buyers usually (to bargain) a bit over prices.
9. In the men’s clothing department new trousers and a tie (to choose) just by my


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