Поставь слова в правильном порядке, чтобы
получились предложения.
1. your / what / is / name?
2. iš / Denis / air / vet.
3. brother / is / years / twenty / old / not.
4. Rusšja / the capital / iš/Moscow / ởf.
5. China / beårs / blåck / pandas / are/ fron.
6. France / from / are/ and / Brian / Bob?
7. pupil / form/am/ the / first / of /I /a/ not.
8. garden / very / roses / in / beautiful / your / are?
9. at / sisters / the / my / are / students / university.
10. interesting / books / very / English / are.​


Ответ дал: Аноним

1.What is your name?

2.Denis is air vet.

3.Brother is not twenty years old.

4.Moscow is the capital of Russia.

5.China pandas are black bears fron

6.Are Brian and Bob from France?

7.I am not the first form of pupil

8.Are very beautiful roses in your garden?

9.My sisters are the students at university.

10.English books are very interesting


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