Choose the correct verb for the sentence : A lot of reporters _____ (to be) at the conference last week.
a) were ; b) was;

c) be;
d) had been .
3. Choose the right variant ( right tense) . ___ you buy his beautiful house in 2009?
a) do;
b) were;
c) did;
d) will.

4. Open the word and in parentheses and change it to the past simple tense: Last winter we ______ (to move) to Italy.

a) moved ;
b) move;
c) did move;
d) be move.

5. Find the past tense form of this verb: «to lose»:
a) lost;
b) lose;
c) losed;
d) lest.​


Ответ дал: spitsynaall


1. b  3. c   4. a    5.a


Ответ дал: KathyGFD

2) A lot of reporters _____ (to be) at the conference last week.

a) were

a lot of + plural form of a noun = many => plural form of the verb

3. Choose the right variant ( right tense) .

___ you buy his beautiful house in 2009?

c) did

4. Open the word and in parentheses and change it to the past simple tense: Last winter we ______ (to move) to Italy.

a) moved

5. Find the past tense form of this verb: «to lose»:

a) lost

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