read the sentence and complete with the appropriate degree of adjective
. Pushkin Prospect is ______(beautiful) than our street.

2. That’s the _______(interesting) story I’ve ever heard.

3. She was ______(careful) than I was.

4. Sof’ya is the_________(attentive) student in our group

5. I need ______(warm) coat than mine

6. ______(good) late than never.

7. Nikita is the ______(old) in the family.

8. My room is ______(cute) than your room

9. The _____(tall) trees in the world grow in California

10. He speaks Italian ____(good) than Kazakh.

11. English is the _____(easy) language in the world

12. Which month is the _____(hot) of the year?

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Ответ дал: ubay11


1) more beautiful

2) the most interesting

3) more careful

4) most careful

5) warmer

6) better

7)the oldest

8) cuter

9) tallest

10) better

11) easiest

12) hottest

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