a) Make a passive sentence from the words in brackets.
1)What happened? ............................................................................................................................
2) Why was he late? ............................................................................................................................
(he/stop/the police for talking on his mobile)
3) Have they opened the new mall? Yes......................................................................................................................
(opening ceremony/hold/last week)
4) Was the actor good? Yes. ............................................................................................................................
(he/nominate/for an Oscar)
b) Translate into English using Passive voice.
1) Радио было изобретено в 1896 году А. Поповым.
2) Эта картина написана масляными красками.
3) Деревья посажены 10 лет назад жителями этого города.
4) Турцию ежегодно посещают более миллиона туристов. Спасите помогите ​


Ответ дал: heyllan


1) Earth was destroyed by tsunami hit of robots

2) he was stopped by the police for talking on his mobile

3) opening ceremony was held last week

4) he was nominated for an Oscar

b) 1) Radio was invented in 1896 by A. Popov

2) This painting was drawn with oil paint

3) Trees were planted 10 years ago by the citizens of this town

4) Turkey is visited with more than a milling tourists each year


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