5 Put the verbs with be going to into the correct form.
1) What... you ... (to do) tomorrow morning? Let’s go boating to the river.

— Sorry, I can’t. I... (to help) my father to repair the bike.

2) — ... your friend ... (to sell) his camera?

No, he .... He ... (to give) it to his younger brother.

3) Where ... Lora ... (to celebrate) her birthday?

She says she ... (to celebrate) it in her country house. She ... (to invite)

all her classmates there.

4) — Where ... the Bryans ... (to spend) Christmas? — I’ve heard they ...

(to visit) their relatives in Ireland.

6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1) Where ... (to be) Margaret? — She ... speak) on the phone in her

room.— Who ... she ... (to speak) to? I think she ...(to speak) to her

mother. 2) Who ... decorate) the assembly ball? — Tony and Sue. They ...

(to hang) posters right now. 3)... you ... (to read) this magazine? — No,

I.... I... (to watch) the children in the sandpit. Look! They ... (to build) a

huge sandcastle! 4) What ... you ... (to talk) about? — I ... (to try) to

explain the main principle of the work of this gadget to you. 6) ... Nick and

David ... (to discuss) their project? — No, they .. . Nick ... (to surf) the

Internet and David ... choose) photos for the school newspaper. 6) Why ...

Julia ... (to make) so many sandwiches? — Because she ... (to wait) for

guests. 7) What ... you ... (to look) for? — I ... (to look) for my sunglasses.

8) ... it ... (still to rain)? — Yes, and it... (to get) colder.


Ответ дал: Shieru


1. What are you going to do tomorrow morning? - Sorry, I can't. I'm going to help my father to repair the bike.

2. - Is your friend going to sell his camera? - No, he is going to give it to his younger brother.

3. Where is Lora going to celebrate her birthday? - She says she is going to celebrate it in her country house. She is going to invite all her classmates there.

4. Where are the Bryans going to spend Christmas? - I've heard they are going to visit their relatives in Ireland.

1. Where is Margaret? - She's speaking on the phone in her room. - Who is she speaking to? - I think she's speaking to her mother.

2. Who is decorating the assembly ball? - Tony and Sue. They are hanging the posters right now.

3. Have you read this magazine? - No, I am watching the children in the sandpit. Look! They are building a huge sandcastle!

4. What are you talking about? - I am trying to explain the main principle of the work of this gadget to you.

5.  Did Nick and David discuss their project? - No, they didn't. Nick was surfing the Internet and David was choosing photos for the school newspaper.

6. Why did Julia make so many sandwiches? - Because she is waiting for guests/

7. What are you looking for? - I'm looking for my sunglasses.

8. Is it still raining? - Yes, and it got colder./ Yes, it will get colder.


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