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Ответ дал: annarasumanar1


First, we studied and described the history of tea drinking in two countries: when tea was first brought to England and Russia, how people were introduced to this wonderful drink, what was the fate of tea in both countries over several centuries. So we found out that in England tea first came in the 17th century, and in Russia in the 16th.

Thus, the tradition of tea drinking in England and Russia totals more than one hundred years, but, as it turned out, the history of acquaintance of the two peoples with tea, as well as the fate of this drink loved by everybody during the time is different.

Secondly, we have studied and compared the features of the traditional tea drinking in England and Russia, namely the meaning of tea drinking for the English and Russians, the sense that it is put by both people, what must necessarily be on the table and why, what the hosts traditionally treat their guests with, etc. Having analyzed the studied material, we can make the following conclusions about the similarities and differences of tea traditions


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