Задание 59. Замените глаголы, данные в скобках на Participle I или

Participle II.

1. People (bring) to Court are not allowed to take pictures.

2. Jurors (be present) at trials work part-time.

3. Students (cheat) at the exams will be expelled from the University.

4. Photographs (take) within the court area were concealed by the


5. Anyone (steal) company property will be prosecuted.

6. Having (install) the burglar alarm she felt safe.

7. Having (finish) deliberations about the case they came to the verdict.


Ответ дал: eddietawer06

1. People brought to Court are not allowed to take pictures.

2. Jurors present at trials work part-time.

3. Students cheating at the exams will be expelled from the University.

4. Photographs took within the court area were concealed by the  guards.

5. Anyone stealing company's property will be prosecuted.

6. Having installed the burglar alarm she felt safe.

7. Having finishied deliberations about the case they came to the verdict.

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