I think bicycles are (safe) than motorcycles. ___________________________________
2. Woolen gloves are (warm) than silk ones._____________________________________
3. Tom is (lazy) pupil in our class._____________________________________________
4. Flowers are (pretty) than vegetables. ________________________________________
5.1 think the Beatles' songs are (popular) songs._________________________________
6. Margaret is (nice) person I know.____________________________________________
7. I think Chinese food is (delicious) than French._________________________________
8. In my opinion cats are (smart) than dogs.______________________________________
9. The elephant is (big) than tiger.______________________________________________
10. Sid is a talkative boy. He is ... than Bill._______________________________________
Нужно употребить прилагательные в нужной форме, помогите пожалуйста!!! ​


Ответ дал: sofanishchenko


1. safer

2. warmer

3. laziest

4. prettier

5. the most popular

6. nicer

7. more delicious

8. smartest

9. bigger

10. more talkative

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