What is the name of your planet? Название планеты
What’s it like? (big, small, light, dark, cold, hot, colour?) На что она похожа?
Does it have moons or rings or anything special? У нее есть что то особенное (луна или кольца)
Who lives on the planet? (aliens, monsters, people?) Кто живет на нашей планете?
How many noses, eyes, arms, legs? Сколько носов, глаз, рук, ног у них?
What do they do? Do they work? Что они делают? Они работают?
What are their hobbies? Какое у них хобби?
What do they eat? Что они едят? помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!​


Ответ дал: Zaxary


My planet's name is Alterra. It's a small planet with blue spots all over it. It has one moon which is purple and is named Piony. The only form of life known on this planet is little green creatures that live in plants. They have 4 arms and 2 legs, 1 eye and a little nose. Every creature you'll meet there is most likely busy trying to grow their own plant to live in. They love plants, flowers, trees! You can say they are all gardeners! They grow trees that give juicy and sweet fruits called Monobia, it's a really yummy fruit and it seems like that's all what they eat. This is a little nice planet somewhere far away from our galaxy, and i really like it.



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