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Ответ дал: vanderwood


11. They are studying now

12. I clean the kitchen every day

13. She works every Sunday

14. We are not sleeping now

15. He doesn't go to the park very often

16. It rains a lot here

17. I am going on holiday tomorrow

18. How long is she staying in London?

19. I often read at night

20. We don't drink much wine

21. Will you come tonight?

22. Does he eat rice every day?

23. I am working at the moment

24. Does he come to London often?

25. He is playing tennis now

26. Will you come to the cinema later?

27. They won't come to the party tomorrow

28.  He is not playing golf now

29. Are you playing tennis this  Sunday?

30. They go to a restaurant every Saturday

31. She doesnt' go to the cinema very often

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