помогите пожалуйста

Choose the right variant.

1. I don’t remember ... that I’m sure you’re mistaken.

a) to say; b) say; c) saying; d) to have said.

2. There were two answers, and ... was right.

a) neither; b) no one; c) no; d) not any.

3. This dress is ... as the one I had before.

a) plenty the same; b) very similar; c) very same; d) much the same.

4. He ... here from 1955 to 1960.

a) worked; b) works; c) has been working; d) has worked.

5. He’s... his sister.

a) much taller that; b) much more taller than; c) much taller than; d) more taller than.

6. Be careful you don’t... your keys!

a) lost; b) loosen; c) lose; d) loose.

7. What they say may be true; you never can...

a) say; b) tell; c) remember; d) recognise.

8. He didn’t move, but just... where he fell.

a) lain; b) lay; c) laid; d) lied.

9. I haven’t had a reply to the invitation I sent you last week. ... to my patty?

a) Shall you come; b) Are you coming; c) Do you come; d) Should you come,

10. That man reminds me ... my history teacher.

a) from; b) of; c) about; d) on.

11. The children hadn’t met ... their grandparents or their uncle before.

a) or, b) neither; c) nor, d) either.

12. Before she started university, Jane ... in the States for six months working as a nanny.

a) lives; b) has been living; c) has lived; d) had lived.

13. He was ... tired to go on.

a) to; b) enough; c) so; d) too.

14. I ... saw Michael two years ago.

a) lastly; b) last time; c) last; d) the last time.

15. I like the red dress and the pink shoes. The trouble is that they don’t ...very well.

a) match not each other; b) match themselves; c) go with each other; d) go on with the other.

16. He’s as polite as his brother is ...polite. (подобрать префикс)

a) im; b) non; c) dis; d) un.

17. It’s been quite a long time ... I had a holiday abroad,

a) ago; b) since; c) for; d) when.

18. You ... pay for this information. It’s free.

a) oughtn’t to; b) don’t have to; c) shouldn’t to; d) mustn’t.

19. ... quite a lot of rain forecast for today.

a) It has; b) Is; c) It’s; d) There’s.

20. I’m free this evening. ... we go out to dinner?

a) Will; b) Would; c) Shall; d) Won’t.


Ответ дал: svetafinchenko


1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-a; 5-c; 6-c; 7-b; 8-b; 9-b; 10-b; 11-d; 12-d; 13-d; 14-с; 15-с; 16-a; 17-b; 18-b; 19-d; 20-c;


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