Exercise 5. Change these sentences using be likely , be unlikely , be sure

Example : He may come on Sunday . — He is likely to come on Sunday . She may not allow us to go there.— She is unlikely to allow us to go there. They will certainly help us. -They are sure to help us .

1. They may have a good time in the bar tonight .
2. He will certainly win this match .
3. The plane may not reach the place of destination on time .
4. You may miss the train unless you hurry .
5. She may not go by plane . 6. He may not be invited to the conference .
7. They will certainly get married soon .
8. They may not follow my recommendations .
9. They may go on a world tour . 10. This picture will certainly be the best at the exhibition .​


Ответ дал: Skyline1526

1. They ARE LIKELY TO have a good time in the bar tonight.

2. He IS SURE TO win this match.

3. The plane IS UNLIKELY TO reach the place of destination on time.

4. You ARE LIKELY TO miss the train unless you hurry.

5. She IS UNLIKELY TO go by plane.

6. He IS UNLIKELY TO be invited to the conference.

7. They ARE SURE TO get married soon.

8. They ARE UNLIKELY TO follow my recommendations.

9. They ARE LIKELY TO go on a world tour.

10. This picture IS SURE TO be the best at the exhibition.​

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