Change two sentences into one, then match the sentences to the picture

I'm very tired. I can't drive. I'm too tired to drive. The weather isn't good. We can't go out. The weather isn't good enough to go out.

1. Helen is very ill. She can't work.

2. The man isn't strong. He can't lift the heavy weight 3. Tom is scared. He can't sleep.

4. The coffee is hot. I can't drink it.

5. The car is expensive. The man has little money.​



Ответ дал: lolayusupova83


1 Helen is too ill to work картинка 5

2the man isn't strong enough to lift the heavy weight. картинка 3

3 Tom is too scared to sleep картинка 1

4the coffee is too hot to drink картинка 4

5 the man hasn't got enough money to buy a car. картинка 2

tkachukpolina81: не так надо делать
tkachukpolina81: задание почитай
lolayusupova83: в последнем. the man is too poor to buy a car.
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