Определить тип( реальное и т. Д) , время глаголов в скобках. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА
1 If Brian( leaves) now, he won't miss his flight.
2 If I were you, I( wouldn’t talk) to him again.
3 If I had gone with them, I (would have had) a great time.
4 The plane( won’t take off) unless it stops snowing.
5 If she had listened to the weather forecast, she wouldn't (have lestened.)
6 If Jenny had got up early, she( would not have been) late for school.
7 If Timothy had some money, he( would buy) a new bicycle.
8 We'll go to the beach unless it( rains.)
9 If I (see) Richard, I'll tell him about the dinner party on Friday.
10 If Bridget is here by 6 o'clock, we( will go) to the cinema.
11 If I (were) you, I would recycle more.
12 If Laura studies more, she (will pass) her exams.​


Ответ дал: qwr1xzxc


1.present simple 2.past simple 3. past simple, 4.present simple (отрицательное предложение)5.past simple, 6. past simple, 7.past simple, 8.future simple, 9.future simple, 10.future simple, 11.past simple, 12.future simple.

Объяснение: вроде так я поняла задание:3

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