Задание 15 (12 баллов).

Посмотрите на картинку и письменно ответьте на вопросы, используя конструкцию there is / there are.


How many sofas are there in the room?
How many books are there in the room?
How many pictures are there on the wall?
How many windows are there in the room?
How many shelves are there on the wall?
How many carpets are there in the room?


Аноним: пжж


Ответ дал: aksdjoldasova

1) There are two sofas in the room.

2) There are five books in the room.

3) There is no picture in the room.

4) There is a (1) window in the room

5) There is one shelf on the wall.

6) There isvone carpet in the room.

Ответ дал: senorita0508
There is one sofa in the room.
There are five books in the room.
There are two pictures on the wall.
There are three windows in the room.
There is one shelve on the wall.
There is one carpet in the room.
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