Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the use of prepositions.
(Переведи предложения на английский язык, при этом обращай внимание на использование предлогов.)
1. Пройди по этой улице и поверни направо у светофора.
2. Мы приедем домой в пятницу в пять.
3. Кого ты ждёшь? Все уже ушли в школу.
4. Он положил ключ в карман и вышел из комнаты.
5. Поставь, пожалуйста, это кресло у окна, между столом и шкафом.
6. Среди его друзей было много художников.
7. Кто этот человек на фотографии?
8. Нам нельзя разговаривать во время урока.
9. Дождь идёт с самого утра.
10. Я всегда прихожу на занятия вовремя.​


Ответ дал: angelishaqwq


1.walk along this street and turn right at the light.2We'll be home on Friday at five (5). 3. Who are you waiting for? Everyone has already left for school. 4. He put the key in his pocket and left the room. 5. Please put this chair by the window, between the table and the wardrobe.6. There were many artists among his friends.

7. Who is this person in the photo?

8. We cannot talk during the lesson.

9. It has been raining since morning.

10. I always come to class on time.

Ответ дал: svetafinchenko


1 go along the street and turn right at the traffic light.

2. We will arrive home on Friday at five.

3. Who are you waiting for? Everybody has already left for/went to school.

4. He put the key in his pocket and left the room.

5. Please put this chair by/at the window, between the table and the wardrobe.

6. There were many artists among his friends.

7. Who is this person in the photo?

8. We are not allowed to talk during the lesson.

9. It has been raining since the morning.

10. I always come to class on/in time.​


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