Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect

No wonder he ( To look) tired after the strain under which he (to be) lately
She just (to ask) a porter to carry her as they (to be) too heavy for her.

3 .Where (to be) your monitor? “She (to go) to the library.
I regylarly ( to see) him every morning at the tram stop, but I (not to see ) him these two or three days.

5. It  (to be) cold in winter in Moscow as a rule? – Yes, generally it (to be), but thes winter (to be) exceptionally warm.

Why you (not to shave) in the morning? –I (to shave) every other day.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. No wonder he looks tired after the strain under which he has  been lately
2. She has just  asked a porter to carry her as they are too heavy for her.
3 .Where is your monitor? - She has gone to the library.
4. I regularly see him every morning at the tram stop, but Ihave  not seen him these two or three days.
5. Is it  cold in winter in Moscow as a rule? – Yes, generally it is , but this winter is exceptionally warm.
Why don't you shave in the morning? – I shave every other day.  

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