When I (to open) the door, the cat (to sit) on the table

When Kate (to open) the door, the children (to sing) a song

When Tom (to cross) the street, he (to fall)

The girl (to cook) dinner, when the lights (to go) out

When the woman (to enter) the door, the children (to feed)
the cat

When the children (to walk), they (to see) the fox помогите пожалуйста


Ответ дал: 2222779

Ответ:When Kate opened the door,the children were sang. When I opened the door,the cat was sitting on the table.When Tom was crossing the street,he fell. The girl was cooking dinner,when lights went out. When the women entered the door,the children were feeded the cat.When the children were walked,the saw the fox

Объяснение:Все просто и легко Past Simple(это прошедшее время короткое,то есть:открыл,упал,поломал),Past Continious(прошедшее время,длительное,то есть:готовил,читал,спал)

2222779: Сейчас допишу
Ответ дал: vladoleynik10


When I am opening the door, the cat is sitting on the table

When Kate is opening the door, the children are singing a song

When Tom is crossing the street, he is falling

The girl is cooking dinner, when the lights (to go) out

When the woman to entering the door, the children are feeding

the cat

When the children are walking, they are seeing the fox помогите пожалуйста

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