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TEST 4 (It’s my capital city!)

1. Complete the sentences with words.Доповнити речення словами

Khreshchatyk. Hydro Park. capital, underground, Volodymyrska Hirka, Paton Bridge

Kyiv is the ____________ of Ukraine. The ____________ __________ is one of the most famous bridges. The biggest park is called_______________ _____________. Kyiv is old and beautiful. You can go down Andryivsky Uzviz or________________ _____________. Kyiv ______________________is called metro. The main street of the city is called_________________.

2. Make up the word – combinations: З'єднати пари

1) Independence a) Lavra

2) Mariyinskiy b)Church

3) St. Andrew`s c) Square

4) The Kyiv- Pecherska d) Palace

5) Khreshchatyk e) Gate

6) St. Sophia`s f) Street

7) The Golden g) Cathedral

3.Fill in the past simple tense

On Friday, the children __________ (talk) about a day out together in the country. The next morning, they __________ (go) to the country with their two dogs and

___________ (play) together. Ben and Dave ___________ (have) some kites. Some time later the dogs __________(be) not there. So they ____________(call) them and __________(look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children ___________(find) them and ___________(take) them back. Charlie _______(be) very happy to see them again. Then they __________(play) football. Nick and Dave ___________(win). In the evening they __________ (ride) home.

4. Use Present Perfect.

1) The students _________________a flight to Vienna. (to book)

2) The cat __________________a mouse. (just/to catch)

3) Jack and Brian ______________________this picture. (just/to draw)

4) He _____________________his friends. (already/to invite)

5) My friends _____________________ the geography test. (to pass)

6) The teacher _____________________ the worksheets. (already/to download)

Аноним: Потрібно щоб було готове до 15:00


Ответ дал: oksanja11


Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. The Paton Bridge is one of the most famous bridges. The biggest park is called Hydro Park. Kyiv is old and beautiful. You can go down Andryivsky Uzviz or Volodymyrska Hirka. Kyiv underground is called metro. The main street of the city is called Khreshchatyk.

Independence Square

Mariyinskiy Palace

St. Andrew`s Church

The Kyiv- Pecherska Lavra

Khreshchatyk Street

St. Sophia`s Cathedral

The Golden Gate

On Friday, the children tell about a day out together in the country. The next morning, they went to the country with their two dogs and played together. Ben and Dave had some kites. Some time later the dogs were not there. So they called them and looked for them in the forest. After half an hour the children finded them and took them back. Charlie was very happy to see them again. Then they played football. Nick and Dave won. In the evening they rode home.

1) The students have booked a flight to Vienna.

2) The cat has caught mouse just.

3) Jack and Brian have drawn this picture just.

4) He has invited his friends already.

5) My friends have passed the geography test.

6) The teacher has downloaded the worksheets already.

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