Ағылшын 5 Сынып БЖБ ЖАУАПТАРЫ 4 тоқсан


Аноним: Тез керек боп тұр..
zoldasbaevasynar10: -Оййййй бірдей емес


Ответ дал: aruzhanamangeldi07
1)When did she wrote a letter to her Granny?She wrote it two days ago.
2) Alice didn’t drink milk in the morning, she drank it at noon.
3) It wasn’t sunny and warm in the afternoon yesterday, it was cold and rainy.
4) Where did you met your teacher? I met her in the shop.
5) Jack didn’t eat meat yesterday, he ate fish.
6) What animals did you see in the Zoo? I saw a monkey, giraffe and a kangaroo.
7) Kate didn’t take a bath in the morning, she took a shower.

Аноним: Рахметтттт дұрыс па точна
aruzhanamangeldi07: Да
Аноним: Аа ок спасибо большое
Аноним: Task 2.ге де жауап берш пж
Аноним: 2 кі сұраққа тоже
danykarimov06: ой это же лехко.-.
almuratovaliza: Дүрс па
Аноним: Ия
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