СРОЧНОООО!!!!!ДАМ 100 балів!!!

1)If we … (not to restore) an ecological balance on our planet, we …
(not to leave) our earth clean and
healthy for future generations.
2)If we … (to plant trees), we …
(to reduce) air pollution.
3)If we … (not to educate) public about the importance of nature
protecting, we … (to destroy) our
4)The animals … (to disappear) if we
… (not to protect) them and places they
live in.
5)If we … (not to begin) to change
our behaviour, we … (not to have) the
world to live.


Ответ дал: vbahanova

1. won't restore, cannot leave

2. will plant tress, we would reduce

3. don't educate, we will destroy

4. will disappear, don't

5. don't begin, won't have

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