Public transport

Read the text and decide if the sentences are True or False. Click on your answer.


1. Amina’s house is in Pavlodar. 

2. Travelling by public transport in the city is cheap. 

3. Using public transport is not good for our city. 




naiakenj: там текст должен быть по моему
hanshajymmarskyzy11: My name is Amina. I live in Pavlodar. Today I want to talk about public transport in Kazakhstan.
There are different forms of public transport in our country. Between cities, we can use planes and trains, but inside the city we use othertypes of transport. They are buses, trams, and metros.Allpeople can use public transport.
hanshajymmarskyzy11: Some people use public transport to go to school or work, because it is cheap. Other people think they are comfortable too. Bothmy parents go to work by bus. They say that travelling by public transport is interesting andhelpful. It is good both for us and the city.
When we use public transport we don’t need to buy a car, so we can savesome money.
hanshajymmarskyzy11: Also, on public transport we can enjoy beautiful places in our city, because we don’tworry about driving. There is no metro station in Pavlodar but we have buses and trams. So you can choose what you like more. I love going to school by tram.
People can also help our city. The air will be clean if all people travel by public transport.
hanshajymmarskyzy11: вот текст
naiakenj: Тогда 1 и 2 true, 3 false


Ответ дал: naiakenj


1 true

2 true

3 false



mazimovmrza: правильно
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