Summative assessment 3 term 1.Choose the correct word and complete the text.
Dear Antonio
Here is a photo of my home town. It is a very nice place. 500 years (1) …, it (2) … a very small town. Today there are over 100 000 people. You (3) … travel around the town by bus or by tram, but there isn’t an underground – they are (4) … one in a few years. Last year we (5) … a big football tournament here! My team (6)… in the final match. But we (7)… win. If you (8)… , I (9) … you many interesting places here.
Best wishes
1 a) ago b ) was c ) it does
2 a) are b) were c) was
3 a can b) will c) won’t
4 a) built b) going to build c) build
5 a) have b) had c) did have
6 a) play b) playing c) played
7 a) not b) didn’t c) doesn’t
8 a) come b) will come c) came
9 a) show b) will show c) going to


Ответ дал: foxy768814


1 a

2 c

3 a

4 b

5 b

6 c

7 c

8 a

9 b

10 a

Объяснение: можно лучший

asyaa51: это правильно.?
foxy768814: зачем 3 звезды ставить если не уверен ?
maksimplej8: Спасибо, правильно.
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