Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple, помогите пж​



Ответ дал: Аноним

What do you do in the evenings?

I watch a DVD.

When does he go to the gym?

He goes on Wednesday evening.

Does he play the guitar?

No he doesn't.He plays with violin.

Does she watch Tv in the evenings?

No,she doesn't.She usually surfs the Net.

What do they do on Saturdays night?

The go to the cinema.

When do you leave for school?

We catch the bus at 8:30.

Znanija008: все пж
Аноним: Готово!
Znanija008: спасибо
Аноним: Пожалуйста!
Ответ дал: banuteymurova


What do you do in the evenings?

I watch a DVD.

When does he go to the gym?

He goes on Wednesday evening.

Does he play the guitar?

No he doesn't.He plays with violin.

Does she watch Tv in the evenings?

No,she doesn't.She usually surfs the Net.

What do they do on Saturdays night?

The go to the cinema.

When do you leave for school?

We catch the bus at 8:30.


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