Transform the following Active forms into the Passive forms:

Tom cooked a very good dinner.

My sister buys a lot of books and magazines every month.

We always buy fresh food.

This pet loves apples and nuts.

Children uses computers and iPhones more often than adults.

Nick`s friend pays for his education.

People all over the world speak English.

My friends sometimes invite me to the parties.

They seldom take the bus No 737.

My mom makes a special pie for my birthday.​


Ответ дал: 1Englishhelper


1 Tom cooked a very good dinner.

A very good dinner was cooked by Tom

2 My sister buys a lot of books and magazines every month.

A lot of books and magazines are bought every mounth by my sister  

3 We always buy fresh food.

The fresh food is always bought  

4 This pet loves apples and nuts.

Apples and nuts are loved by this pet  

5 Children uses computers and iPhones more often than adults.

Computers and iPhones are used more often than adults

6 Nick`s friend pays for his education.

the education is payed by Nick`s friend

7 People all over the world speak English.

English is spoken all over the world

8 My friends sometimes invite me to the parties.

I was invited  to the parties by my friends  

9 They seldom take the bus No 737.

The bus No 737 is seldom taken  

10 My mom makes a special pie for my birthday.​

A special pie is made for my birthday by my mom


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