10 Read and correct. 1 Parrots have got four legs. No! Parrots haven't got four legs. They've got two legs. 2 Cows have got small heads. ot 3 Frogs have got small mouths. 4 Chickens have got big heads. 5 Rabbits have got short ears. 6 Goats have got two legs.​



Ответ дал: serg10x

1 Parrots have got four legs. No! Parrots haven't got four legs. They've got two legs. 2 Cows have got big heads. ot 3 Frogs have got small mouths. 4 Chickens have got small heads. 5 Rabbits have got long ears. 6 Goats have got four legs.​

Ответ дал: elvinaudina0


1) Cows have got small heads.

No.They have got big heads.

2)Frogs have got small mouths.

Yes.Frogs have got small mouths.

3)Chickens have got big heads.

No.They've got small heads.

4)Rabbits have got shorts ears.

No.Rabbits have got long ears.

5)Goats have got two legs.

No.They've got four legs.

aizerekurmangazy65: можно
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