16. Do you know where ______?
a) lives Joc
b) do Joe lives
c) does Joe live
d) Joe lives
17. Take your umbrella _____ it rains.
a) because
b) because of
c) for
d) in case
18. Most people go by train. The bus,______ is cheaper and faster.
a) although
b) despite
c) while
d) however
19. ______ the fact that nobody thought he should do it, he did it.
a) However
b) While
c) In spite of
d) Because
20. Philip went to see the film Robocop 4, ______ had already scen three times.
a) which
b) which he
c) that
d) that he


Ответ дал: yelena7077
16. D
17. A
18. A
19. C
20. D
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