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Many people have done research on how to improve the course work of distance learning and also the EVALUATE of how the material is being taught. One big concern is that people are cheating with distance learning classes. Many professors are now developing ways to keep distance learning courses from being MEANING. One way to improve them is to CONTINUAL change the way they are taught. Teachers are beginning to require DIFFER classwork for the same course that they teach. They also ask students to become more INTERACTION with their homework and the projects they have to complete. Moreover, students are given tests from a test bank. The test is made up when they log into the test website. These REQUIRE are the same for students taking distant classes at school or at special courses.


Ответ дал: GreyBoar


Many people have done research on how to improve the course work of distance learning and also the EVALUATE =>evaluation of how the material is being taught. One big concern is that people are cheating with distance learning classes. Many professors are now developing ways to keep distance learning courses from being MEANING=> meaningless. One way to improve them is to CONTINUAL=>continuously  change the way they are taught. Teachers are beginning to require DIFFER=> different classwork for the same course that they teach. They also ask students to become more INTERACTION =>interactive with their homework and the projects they have to complete. Moreover, students are given tests from a test bank. The test is made up when they log into the test website. These REQUIRE =>requirements are the same for students taking distant classes at school or at special courses.


Аноним: Здравствуйте, Миша! Скажите пожалуйста, Вы могли бы мне помочь с аудированием по английскому?)
GreyBoar: Конечно, без проблем, только попозже
Аноним: Хорошо) я создам вопрос и оставлю ссылочку)
Аноним: https://znanija.com/task/45599424 вот ссылочка на вопрос
Аноним: Там в комментариях я оставила ссылку на аудио; track 19- идёт ко второму, третьему заданию, track 20, 21 - к четвертому)
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