Write the correct verb form (ing-form or infinitive)
1. We hope​(go) to Europe this summer.
2. I don’t mind​(do) the washing up.
3. They suggested​(travel) by bus.
4. Jane enjoys​(listen) to music.
5. Just avoid​(make) unnecessary mistakes.
6. I decided​(exercise) more often.
7. He promised​(stop) talking during the lesson.


Ответ дал: radikaled


1) to go

2) doing

3) travelling

4) listening

5) making

6) to exercise

7) to stop

xcsccsc: а 7?
radikaled: 7 там есть
xcsccsc: спасибо)
xcsccsc: а вы можете сделать это задание пожалуйста
xcsccsc: Writing
Task 2. Write an essay about global problems of today and suggest your solutions (100-180 words). You should write your essay according to the plan and structure and it has to be in the present simple. Look at the example of the essay that is given in your textbooks (page 15)
Use basic phrases for your essay:
• In my opinion, I think/believe.
• First, second, finally, for example, moreover.
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