помогите пожалуйста английский дз 8 класс,даю 20 баллов! complete with the correct form: present perfect or present perfect continuous
1. Mike ____ here for two hours .(be)
2. Anna ___for you since eight o'clock.(wait)
3. It ___hard for hours.(rain)
4. The cake is ready.I ___already___ it!(make)
5. Have you___ a lot recently?(study)
6. Sorry! You___ the late bus.(miss)
7. I ___you for a long time.(see-neg)
8. Unfortunately Princess Diana___ .(die)
9. We ___in Porto Alerge since 2011.(live)​​


Ответ дал: max777kven5ax


1. Mike has been here for two hours .

2. Anna has been waiting for you since eight o'clock.

3. It has been raining hard for hours.

4. The cake is ready. I have already made it!

5. Have you studied a lot recently?

6. Sorry! You have missed the late bus.

7. I Haven't seen you for a long time.

8. Unfortunately Princess Diana has died.

9. We have been living in Porto Alerge since 2011.

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