1)My family and I (stay) in a luxurious hotel in the heart of Paris. 2)Sasha (do) his shopping when Nikita (call) him. 3)Marina and Veronika (walk) since morning. They're a bit tired now. 4)Anna Sergeevna, I promise I (learn all the Grammar for the lesson! 5)Usually, Mila (get) up at 6 o'clock in the morning 6)Watch out, Fedya! The floor is wet, you (fall) down if you run! 7)What (you/eat) for dinner yesterday? 8)Well, I believe Artyom (write) this test perfectly 9) Varya (already/read) this wonderful book. 10)During yesterday's Grammar test, Kirill (do) the test himself while Kolya and Katya (cheat).​

daniilkapatsyna: что делать с глаголами в скобках?


Ответ дал: muravey072


1-stay,2-does,called,3-walking,4-will learn all the grammar for the lesson!,5-gets,6-can fall,7-have you eaten,8-will write,9-already read,10-did,cheated


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