изменить глаголы в следующем предложении в прошедшем времени
1.yesterday i go to the restaurant with a client
2.we drive around the parking lot for 20 minutes in order to find a parking space
3.when we arrive at the restaurant the place is full
4.the waitress asks us if we have reservations
5.i say " no my secretary forgets to make them "
6.the waitress tells us to come back in two hours
7.my client and i slowly walk back to the car
8.then we see a small grocery store
9.we stop in the grocery store and buy some sandwiches
10.that is better than waiting for two hours


Ответ дал: yo7
1) yesterday i went to the restaurant with a client
2.we drove around the parking lot for 20 minutes in order to find a parking space
3.when we arrived at the restaurant the place is full
4.the waitress asked us if we have reservations
5.i said " no my secretary forgets to make them "
6.the waitress told us to come back in two hours
7.my client and i slowly walked back to the car
8.then we saw a small grocery store
9.we stoped in the grocery store and bought some sandwiches
10.that is better than waiting for two hours

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