Какое пропущено слово
1 My sister _____ not eat sweets at all.
2 Whom _____ you waiting for? - I'm waiting for Nick.
3 Look at Kate, she _____ dancing really well.
4 Look at Kate, she _____ dancing really well.
5 ____ you believe in life after death?
6 This _____ a very difficult question.
7 _____ all the students ready?
8 Mary _____ not have time for silly things.
9 This _____ the most beautiful song I've ever heard.
10 __ the money mean so much for him?
11 His hair _____turning grey.


Ответ дал: wbussy


1 does

2 are

3 is

4 is

5 Do

6 is

7 Are

8 does

9 is

10 Does

11 is

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