2 Write your opinion about school uniform.​


Ответ дал: muhabbatabdumalikova


A uniform helps to build "community" and school pride amongst students. It makes planning what to wear be less of an issue, and it helps to erase some of the economic status issues by not having to worry about wearing certain brand labels. It helps to give all of the students a "level playing field."

Ответ дал: phlox
The school uniform has several advantages. First of all, when everybody has the same clothes there is no place for jealousy.
Schools are usually attended by kids from different families. Some families are rich and some are poor. If there is no uniform, kids from richer families would wear better clothes and kids from poor families can feel ashamed of that.
Second, it is already well known that wearing a uniform during school day helps kids to concentrate better on their education.
The main disadvantage of the school uniform is price. Shops usually race prices for school uniforms just as people would buy it anyway, because their kids need to go to school. Thus, parents become hostages of sellers of school uniforms, and have to spend big amounts of money for their children’s school uniforms every year.
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