выберите верны ли утверждения?!

Hello! My name is Ann. I’m fifteen years old. I live in Novgorod, Russia. I am one of the best pupils at our school. I’m good at many subjects. They are History, ICT and the French language. I think that it’s very important to be a good specialist in different spheres now. My friends and I go to various clubs at our school. My friends are glad that I can always help them with their homework. I am a very talented person. Also I go to the musical school. My parents say that I play the piano very well. But most of all I like to make photos. My dream is to be a great musician and photographer.

The girl’s name is Ann.

She lives in a small village.

The girl is not a good pupil.

The girl’s favorite subjects at school are History, ICT and English.

The girl thinks that she is not a talented person.


Ответ дал: yanazverevich1


первое верно, второе не верно, третье не верно, четвёртое не верно и пятое тоже не верно

loxushka22898: вот варианты
yanazverevich1: что нужно сделать?
yanazverevich1: найти правильное утверждение?
loxushka22898: выбрать подходящий заголовок
yanazverevich1: секунду
yanazverevich1: the dream of all my life
loxushka22898: I have got many friends. Most of them are my classmates. There are boys and girls among them. My best friend is Alex. He is not the best pupil at our school. But he likes several subjects in our timetable. These subjects are History and Music. He doesn’t spend much time on doing his homework. Alex thinks that it is very difficult to do it. My mother says that he should try more seriously to get better results. But my friend doesn’t want to work harder. *
Выбери подходящий заголовок к этому тексту
yanazverevich1: есть варианты ответов?
loxushka22898: те же
yanazverevich1: my friend is not the best pupil
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