Task 1.Match three texts with the appropriate titles. One of the titles is extra.

1) The best school

2) My school football team

3) School rules

4) My favorite lesson

Today it is a wonderful day. I went to school and had only four lessons. They were English, Physics, Technology and Maths. The most interesting lesson was English. We acted out the dialogues during the lessons and answered the teacher’s questions. I like the lessons of English very much. Even if we have any difficulties our teacher tries to help us. I went home after all the lessons and was in a good mood.

Our school is not a usual one. It is situated in a small town, in England. Our parents pay a lot of money for studying. It was opened a hundred years ago. There are two hundred pupils at school. There is also a museum at our school. Many pupils from other schools visit our school museum and find out much information about our town. There are about ten pupils at our school who are from other countries. I am proud that I am a pupil of this school.

The teachers of our school are very strict. They always make us follow the rules. We should always wear a school uniform, keep our classroom clean and tidy. As for me, I am polite with my classmates and teachers. I try not to bring dangerous things to school. But some of my classmates are not so calm. They run in school corridors, bully other pupils in any way. I don’t like it. I think that rules are very important at school.

Task 2.Your pen-friend John wrote a letter to you. In his letter he asks you to tell him about your school and answer three his questions.

-What form are you in?

-What are your favorite subjects at school?

-What rules are there at your school?
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Ответ дал: rszhanna1999
1) The best school

Our school is not a usual one. It is situated in a small town, in England. Our parents pay a lot of money for studying. It was opened a hundred years ago. There are two hundred pupils at school. There is also a museum at our school. Many pupils from other schools visit our school museum and find out much information about our town. There are about ten pupils at our school who are from other countries. I am proud that I am a pupil of this school.

2) My school football team

3) School rules

The teachers of our school are very strict. They always make us follow the rules. We should always wear a school uniform, keep our classroom clean and tidy. As for me, I am polite with my classmates and teachers. I try not to bring dangerous things to school. But some of my classmates are not so calm. They run in school corridors, bully other pupils in any way. I don’t like it. I think that rules are very important at school.

4) My favorite lesson

Today it is a wonderful day. I went to school and had only four lessons. They were English, Physics, Technology and Maths. The most interesting lesson was English. We acted out the dialogues during the lessons and answered the teacher’s questions. I like the lessons of English very much. Even if we have any difficulties our teacher tries to help us. I went home after all the lessons and was in a good mood.

Task 2.Your pen-friend John wrote a letter to you. In his letter he asks you to tell him about your school and answer three his questions.

-What form are you in? В каком ты классе?
I am the … form

-What are your favorite subjects at school? Твои любимые предметы в школе?
My favorite subjects at school are …(math, biology, chemistry, history…)

-What rules are there at your school? Какие правила есть в твоей школе?
We have some rules at our school. For example we should wear school uniform, listen to teachers, be polite.
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