СРОЧНОО!!Выберите правильный ответ и запиши ответы через запятую по порядку. Gina is my best friend. We are in the same class. She is very nice. She is 1) YOUNGER/THE YOUNGEST in our class but 2) MORE INTELLIGENT/THE MOST INTELLIGENT. We both love learning, but Gina is 3) MORE HARD-WORKING/THE MOST HARD-WORKING than me. She is 4) BETTER/THE BEST at Matt's and Science than me. But I am 5) fitter / the fittest in the class. I am 6) BETTER/THE BEST at PE. I run 7) faster/the fastest than the boys. *


Ответ дал: 1997atta1997


1.the youngest,2.the most intelligent,3.more hard-working,4.better,5.the fittest,6.the best,7.faster

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