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-en; - ence; - ment; - ness

on our first day at school we were greeted with warmth and __friendliness_ (friendly). 2. young people should be taught to learn the _ _ (differ) between good and bad. 3. our teacher gave us a lot of … of … (rich) our life. 5. more than _ … (courage). 4. education can greatly _ _(clever), students need _ (kind). 6. good teachers _ _ (courage) their students to think critically. 7. the college has a long tradition of athletic _ (excellent). 8. reading will (large) your vocabulary. 9. i'm going to the … _ (refer) library to find the material for my project. 10. not all schools have modern (equip). e​


Ответ дал: Shaherezada55
2 difference
3 richness
5 courageusement
4 cleverness, kindness
6 couragen
7 excellence
8 largen
9 references
10 equipment
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