2. State the type of the subordinate clause, then fill in the blanks with the
correct form of the verb given in brackets and comment o the use of the tense.
1. He was not able to translate the article because he … some special terms. (not to
2 We decided that we … to the Crimea next week. (to go)
3. The doctor told me about the medicine which you … now. (to take)
4. My friend was interested to know if I … ever by air. (to fly)
5. He told her that she … be at home. (must)
6. The teacher old the children that water … (to boil) at 100 degrees Centigrade.
7. I thought that she … that he … the first place in the chess tournament. (to know;
to take)
8. She refused to go to the theatre as she … in a few days. (to have an examination)
9. It was not windy yesterday as it … today. (to be)


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