Измените залог сказуемого, произведя все необходимые изменения.

1. This post-graduate student is carrying out a very interesting experi-

ment. 2. My supervisor gave me a new task. 3. This monograph touches
upon the problem of vital importance. 4. The post-graduate students will
take the candidate exam in English on Friday. 5. This professor has just
delivered a lecture on semantics at our department. 6. They granted him
a leave in August. 7. The post-graduate student has written two learned
articles this year. 8. Somebody gave me that book. 9. This professor teach-
es the students physics. 10. At that time yesterday they were demonstrating
a new device. 11. They sent for the doctor. 12. Nobody looks after the child.
13. They listen carefully to his advice.


Ответ дал: natalyapankovets


1/ A very interesting experiment is being carried by this post graduate student. 2/ I was given a new task by my supervisor. 3/ The problem of vital importance is touched in this monograph. 4/ The candidate exam in English will be taken on Friday. 5/ A lecture on semantic has just been delivered by this professor at our department.6/ He was granted a leave in AUGUST.7/Two learned articles have been written by the post-graduate student.8/ I was given a book. 9/ The students are taught physics by this professor. 10/ A new devise were being demonstrated at thea time. 11/ The doctor was sent for. 12/ The child isn't looked after. 13/ his advice is carefully listened to.


образование пассивного залога происходит при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be и смыслового с окончанием ed или третьей формы глагола.

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