Write about your holidays now. Where are you? What are you doing? Have you got celebrity homes in your place? 100-120 слов​


Ответ дал: saniyabihur


смотри тут написона 1) как ты проводишь свой новый год;2) скем ты отмечаешь его;3) и что ты обычно делаешь в этот праздник;4) где ты его отмечаешь это примерно выглядит так(не надо переписывать)

l'm about my holidays it fun;l'm and my family and my best friend's;l'm eating candy; yes l'm celebrity it's home.

надеюсь помогла прости если получишь 4 или же 5❤️

Ответ дал: ksenia401155

We're on vacation at school now. I'll be home for the holidays. And it's very cool! I can do something interesting or useful, or just meet friends. Today is the first day of vacation, and I plan to take a walk with a friend in the park. And on Sunday I 'll go to the cinema with my parents . We don't have a lot of entertainment in the city, but you can still find something to do. By the way, this morning I already managed to go for a morning jog and visited the gym. There are no celebrity houses in our city , but I don 't really care

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