. Вставьте предлоги on, in, at (предлоги времени)

1. Where will you go ______ January 1st ?

2. She will visit her grandparents ______New Year.

3. Good bye! See you ______September 1st .

4. His mother is a doctor. She often comes home ______midnight.

5. My brother will get married ______June.

6. She was born 1972.

7. The banks close______ 5 o’clock.

8. The English examination is ______July.

9. The leaves on the trees turn brown ______autumn

10. Jill and Kate will take an exam ______ten a.m.

11. We have a rest ______weekends but work hard from Monday till Saturday.

12. I’m glad to see you ______such a lovely day.


Ответ дал: miroslavasopizhenko

1. on

2. on

3. on

4. at

5. in

6. in

7. at

8. in

9. in

10. at

11. at

12. on(но я не уверена)

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