составить связанный рассказ на 6 предложений, по этому предложению- Mike had a huge but a very Kind dog. Это предложение будет начальным. В итоге чтобы было 7 предложений включая то,которое я уже написал. НУЖНО СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА​

nlichnoe: У майка был большой вторник ,но добрая собака? Как это понимать?))
warabanochkin: сори, ошибся
warabanochkin: исправил
warabanochkin: вроде так
warabanochkin: поможешь с заданием?


Ответ дал: nlichnoe

Ответ: every body who has known Mike and the dog could confidently say that they were the best friends ever. When Mike was in school the dog was whimpering, he seemed to be really upset. Mike had to go to another country a year ago. His buddy didn't have moments of piece, he ate very little and was he was lying next to the door waiting for his owner to come. Mike finally came a week later. I can't describe how happy he and the dog were! They were shining like the brightest diamonds out of happiness.


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