Fill in the FIRST gap with one of the following phrases: numerous sightings, observations, beast, is supposed to, supposedly, splashing, fake.

Примечание: Заполните ПЕРВЫЙ пропуск. Вставьте одно слово из списка: numerous sightings, observations, beast, is supposed to, supposedly, splashing, fake. В ответе напишите выбранное слово. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. Обратите внимание на образец оформления ответа.

Example answer: numerous sightings

The Loch Ness monster, also called “Nessie”, is a creature that (1) _______ live in Loch Ness, the largest lake in northern Scotland. Since Roman times the legend of a mysterious sea creature has been alive through (2) ______ of the animal.


Ответ дал: dashapruglo2006


splashing supposedly


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