III. Choose the correct Present Form (Simple Present or Present Continuous)
1. I …am having ….. (have) a great time.
2. He ……………… (appear) at the Fortune Theatre net week.
3. She ……………… (appear) to have a problem.
4. Why ………………. (you look) at me like that?
5. It ………………. (look) as if it’s going to rain.
6. I ………………… (see) what you are trying to say.
7. I ………………… (see) the manager this afternoon.
8. I …………………. (think) you’re right.
9. What ……………. (you think) about?
10. I ………………. (feel) very tired today.
11. I ………………. (feel) she’s making a mistake.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


2 is appearing

3 appears

4 are you looking at

5 looks

6 see

7 am seeing

8 think

9 are you thinking

10 am feeling

11 feel


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