127 4 Look at the house plan and listen. Then practise the dialogue with a partner. Stacey What's wrong? Danny I can't find my laptop. Stacey is it under the table in the living room? Danny No, it isn't. Stacey Look, here's a laptop! Is this what you're looking for? Danny No, that's the wrong one. Stacey What about the bedroom? Is it in the wardrobe? Danny No, it isn't.Oh, here it is! It's on the bed. a​

korotov2009: Перевод нужен?


Ответ дал: aigulaubakirova8677


what is wrong?It is a home.

I can not find my laptop an umbrella.Living room-bedroom.laptop-unbrella.bedroom-room.on-behind.bed-sofa


мен осылай ойламын

aigulaubakirova8677: менде кітабымда өйстіп тұр жазылып ол дұрыс себебә
aigulaubakirova8677: суреттегімен салыстырғам
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