1. She shall/should have booked a table to that new Italian restaurant in advance

2. Ryan might/can come to the museum with us on Saturday. He needs to finish his project first ​


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 should

2 might



srdedrdc: Спасибо большое !!
slyuda1955: Пожалуйста
Hhhhhiiiiiiiiii: здравствуйте,slyuda1955.Можете помочь с английским языком
Hhhhhiiiiiiiiii: я очень нужна ваша помощь
Hhhhhiiiiiiiiii: complete the sentences with the correct linking words on the right
Hhhhhiiiiiiiiii: He decided to go there I begged him no to.
Hhhhhiiiiiiiiii: a)because.b)although. c) and
Hhhhhiiiiiiiiii: Munara is rich,she isn't happy.a)although.b)because.c)when
HelpingForOthers: b)although
Ответ дал: HelpingForOthers


1.She should have booked a table to that new Italian restaursnt in advance

2.Ryan might come to the museum with us on Saturday. He needs to finish his project first.

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