Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1. 1 Sherkala and Kok-Tobe are 2 It never rains in the Atacama 3 There isn't any land at the North- 4 The Atlantic is between America and Europe. 5 There's a Red , a Black and a a Yellow 6 The Amazon is a - and a пж помогите пожалуйста кто нибудь знает ответы ♡​

pshonowner: Как ответить


Ответ дал: Kadem2009s25


1 Sherkala and Kok-Tobe are mountains.

2 It never rains in the Atacama Desert.

3 There isn't any land at the North Pole.

4 The Atlantic ocean is between America and Europe.

5 There's a Red sea, a Black sea and a Yellow sea.

6 The Amazon is a river and a forest.

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