When Alex ________ (hang up) the phone he ________ (realise) he ________ (forget) to take down the caller’s name and number.

He ________ (work) in the laboratory for three hours when he stopped for a break.
had painted

Неверный ответ

Alex ________ (read) a book all night and was very sleepy the next morning.

They were exhausted because they ________ (play) chess all day.

I ________ (decide) that I was going to study Chemistry before I finished secondary school.

Alexander ________ (already/learn) to read and write before he started school.

He ________ (reach) his house by the time it started to rain.

istinnuuk: Допоможіть будь ласка


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 hung up, realised,had forgotten

2 had been working

3 had been reading

4 had been playing

5 had decided

6 had already learnt

7 had reached

daryadolgova02: СПАСИБО
daryadolgova02: если это ещё и правильно
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